• MetroHealth Medical Center
  • MetroHealth Medical Center
Notice of New Fees and Directions
Effective September 1, 2012, The MetroHealth System will be changing the way it handles its medical billing records. We will continue to abide by Ohio Revised Code §3701.741. Please be advised of the following changes...
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Notice of New Fees and Directions

Effective September 1, 2012, The MetroHealth System is charging fees for medical billing records in accordance with Ohio Revised Code §3701.741. Please be advised of the following:

  1. Please fax itemized billing request with HIPAA Release to 216-920-7281.

  2. Upon completion of gathering your documents an invoice will be faxed to your office.

  3. The clients/patients are entitled to obtain a copy of their bills without charge by calling customer service at 216-957-3250. This will not be an insurance billing form.

  4. There are certain circumstances where parties including your client are entitled to one free copy. (See O.R. C. § 3701.741(C)). Please advise us immediately if this is applicable to your client and a free copy will be provided upon verification of the exemption.

***Immediately upon receipt of payment, the billing records will be faxed or mailed to your attention at the address/fax number provided in your request.

Records will be processed in the order of receipt. Please make checks payable to MedInform, Inc. (Tax ID#34-1971976) and mail to 1801 East 9th Street, Suite 1150, Cleveland, OH 44114. Furthermore, if you wish to discuss a contract fee for quicker turn around or a flat fee, please contact Mary Jackson at 216-916-1850 to negotiate a separate rate under O.R.C. §3701.741(E).

Any inquiries regarding status of your itemized billing requests should be directed to

Very truly yours,
The MetroHealth System Itemization Team

MedInform, Incorporated © 2012